Friday, June 25, 2010


But, no really.  Here are some pictures that explain some stuff.

Here is all of my clothing (and my towel) for the next five months. In vacuum bags.  Of course I will buy things as the weather gets colder.  But there it is.  Here it is again:
Those things on top are my two extra bras.  Yes.  Check that size ratio.  I know right!

I am packed (sans toiletries) and more or less ready and more or less exhausted.
So excuse me while I go lie in bed and watch The Breakfast Club.  Why?  Because I can.
I can't believe I am going to be seeing Hermione on Tuesday!  That is so soon!

1 comment:

  1. Is the size difference due to your compact packing or your massive tatas? I am unconvinced that your packing is even that tight to be honest. ;P
